Hello to all,
After multiple requests for meetings with Obama to discuss the subject of the Challenge on Jan 6th in Congress to the OH, FLA and NM electoral votes, we have not been heard yet. I am calling on all Illinois citizens who are concerned about the level of fraud and lawlessness surrounding this election, not only in OH, FLA and NM but many other states, to come join me on Thurs evening, Dec 30th, 5pm to petition Obama in a public way at his going away party at the Hyatt Hotel on Wacker Drive!
We will hold signs up that say; "Obama, Be Our Hero! Defend our Democracy by signing the Challenge to the Electoral College Vote on Jan 6th! Thank You!"
I need to know how many people will be there because this sentence will be spelled out over several large signs! We have to take signs anyways to get in free and on the back will be our real signs. I will bring all signs. We will meet just outside the Grand Ballroom, where they are letting people go in, 5pm sharp, it will take perhaps 1-2 hours, hard to tell when the best time will be to show the real signs, leave it to me, I have done these kinds of public statements before. Please e-mail me if you can come at [email protected] or call 773-486-7660
Thank You,
Dr. Lora Chamberlain
(via Ohio Election Fraud.)