This was posted on Democratic Underground, but I have it directly from the author, whom I've been working with. I'll post the DU link later, when I have the chance to get it. --BG
I am a member of CASE-Minnesota. CASE stands for Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections. We are affiliated with Susan Truitt's organization in Ohio, called CASE-Ohio.
This morning we had a meeting scheduled at 10am at Senator Mark Dayton's office in Minnesota. I did not attend this meeting, but I just got off the phone with someone who did, and I took notes.
What the CASE-MN member said:
We had a powerful meeting. The room was packed, 20-35 people from several organizations besides CASE - Minnesota: Green, Dean's group, League of Pissed Off Voters, National Lawyers Guild, Progressive Democrats of America. Two notables showed up: Ken Pentel, who was last election's Green Party candidate for governor, and an executive board member from the DFL (Minnesota's official Democratic organization).We met with Nate, Dayton's constiuency advocate, for 1.5 hours, from 10-11:30am. Nate heard us, took notes, and promised to write up a report. He would send his impressions to both Senator Dayton, and the people at the meeting.
During the meeting with Nate, two CASE-MN members talked about their experiences in Ohio (recount). Everyone else got the chance to speak. It was all strongly worded, and passionate. People were giving reasons why Dayton should challenge the electoral vote. People were positive, but the underlying tone was that we expect Senator Dayton to stand up. He will be conceived as a leader, a hero, if he stands up for the Constitution, Civil Rights, and the right to vote. (I have heard some of these people speak, in the past, and they are eloquent, and persuasive. My friend commented that it was too bad that Dayton, himself, couldn't personally hear their statements).
After leaving Dayton's office, several went to the building's cafeteria and discussed the need to work together, even though we are from various groups. Email addresses and phone numbers were exchanged.
During the pre-meeting it was noted that our CASE-MN chairman was missing. It was a surprise to learn that Mark H. was absent because he is on his way to Senator Dayton's office in Washington D.C. He has a 20 minute meeting scheduled with Dayton this afternoon.Our group (CASE - MN) is meeting tonight, and Mark will be calling in from Washington DC on a conference call. He will report on his meeting with Dayton.
I'll post his impressions after the conference call. It won't be until after 9:00pm, Central.