"Not Registered," Yet Registered
Franklin County Ohio voters whose provisional ballots were categorized Code 200 - Not Registered (No Vote) in the 2004 General Election, yet who are listed in the BOE database:
(This information was sent to me anonymously, and the website is not identified with a particular individual or insitution. Given the importance of this list I am publishing it now. I hope the whoever did this work will support it with their name or organization. --BG)
UPDATE: The researcher is Richard Hermann. About his work he writes:
I found the provisional ballot rejection information in a pdf file available for download on the Franklin County Board of Elections web site [www.franklincountyohio.gov/boe/content/1104_provisional.pdf ], and I simply looked up each name of those who lost their vote due to not being registered. This search capability is available on the same site [www.franklincountyohio.gov/boe/apps/voter/voterSearch.asp ]. The unknown factor is if these people actually registered before the deadline for this election.